Types and Functions of Rock Drilling Core Barrel

There are several types of rock drilling core barrels that are used in mineral exploration and mining, each with its own specific function and application. Some of the most commonly used types include:

NQ (Nominal Quarter) Core Barrel: This is the most common type of core barrel and is used to retrieve cylindrical rock samples that are approximately 1.5 inches in diameter and 2.5 inches long.

HQ (High Quarter) Core Barrel: This type of core barrel is used to retrieve larger rock samples that are approximately 2.5 inches in diameter and 3.5 inches long.

PQ (Premium Quarter) Core Barrel: This type of core barrel is used to retrieve the highest quality rock samples that are approximately 2.75 inches in diameter and 4 inches long.

T2 (Twin) Core Barrel: This type of core barrel is used to retrieve two core samples at once, one from each side of the drill bit. It is used for situations where a high-resolution of the geology is needed.

T6 (Triple) Core Barrel: This type of core barrel is used to retrieve three core samples at once, one from each side of the drill bit and one from the center. It is used for situations where a high-resolution of the geology is needed.

Wireline Core Barrel: This type of core barrel is used to retrieve core samples using a wireline instead of a traditional drill stem. This allows for more precise control of the core liner and is often used in deep drilling applications.

Each of these types of core barrels have specific functions and are used depending on the geology and drilling conditions of the site, as well as the specific needs of the project. They are designed to provide structural support for the core liner and protect it from damage during drilling. The core samples retrieved from these core barrels are used for a variety of purposes, including mineral exploration, geotechnical investigations, and environmental studies. They provide valuable information about the geology and mineral content of the earth's subsurface, which helps geologists to understand the geology and mineralization of the area, and can help to identify potential mineral deposits.